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6 steps to "future-proof" your IT department
3 January 2022  |  By Hiend Software Pte. Ltd.
As technology evolves, it's easy to become tied up in the ever-increasing convolution of business systems. Here are 6 simple steps to cut through the complexity and future-proof your company's technology.
Smartphones, cloud computing, and software that can out-think human beings... With technology getting smarter, faster, and more powerful every day, sometimes it can seem like we're living in a science fiction novel.

With ongoing IT advances making older systems seem increasingly cumbersome and obsolete, modern businesses have begun to contemplate what the future holds. Is it possible to build an IT model that is "future proof"? What can you do today to prevent your company's IT investment from becoming useless a couple of years from now?

The new industrial revolution
Emerging technologies are threatening to shake up business infrastructure and operations in the same way the original industrial revolution changed the factories and labor cycle. The result is simpler and more effective business outcomes that rely on streamlined processes and automation.

That means complexity is on its way out, in every possible regard. When it comes to IT, simplicity has become stylish. Above all else, IT professionals need to focus on flexibility, quality, and productivity if they want their offerings to compete in future markets.

6 steps to simpler and more effective IT
What can you do to encourage streamlined efficiency? Read on for 6 expert tips on simplifying your IT systems:

  1. Automate: Although automating every possible process is a practical move that makes the lives of users and staff easier, it can also lead to some complexity. The secret to success is keeping that complexity invisible to end users, hidden amid the programmings and inner workings of your IT systems. Automation is a good goal, when balanced against other needs.
  2. Standardise: It might go against the grain for the independent thinkers on your team, but standardisation is a cost-effective and powerful way to simplify your operations. What should you standardise? Start with your IT platforms and move on to processes and services where possible. When you minimise the unconventional components of your system, routine processes like maintenance and repairs will become simpler and easier to navigate across your entire company. It will also reduce stress and prevent communication breakdowns between different departments or business locations.
  3. Wholistic systems: It's easy to fall into the trap of considering departments or features of your IT process rather than the entire package. Consider a systems approach as your soundest tool in delivering a simple and effective IT platform.
  4. Focus on customers: It's important to target the needs and desires of your customers at every step in your IT development process. Before moving forward with any IT changes, take the time to research your target demographic and your actual audience. Open communication with customers is one of the surest ways to guarantee their loyalty and to offer what they - and others like them - really want.
  5. Outsource: When it's necessary or useful, don't hesitate to delegate your programming code, IT services, and even customer support. Outsourcing is one of the most cost-effective ways to simplify your business, and can trigger significant growth and profits if done correctly.
  6. Ongoing improvement: Your IT is only as good as the people who use it, so ongoing education and training - as well as sparse technological innovation - is the best strategy for future-proofing your business. Don't hesitate to reward those who excel and penalise departments that don't keep up with the changes and developments required for healthy business growth.

The technological landscape is a living, growing entity that will continue to evolve in coming years. By following these simple and powerful IT management tips, you can give your business the tools it needs to keep up.
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